Sunday, April 17, 2016

Earpiece Warns you of Epileptic Seizures

EPItect is an accurate sensor for detecting epileptic seizures made by the University of Bonn. It is important for patients to be able to know they are about to have a seizure so they can get the help they need. The sensor is worn on the ear like a hearing aid and will detect any sign of an impending seizure. It connects to smartphones and sends a warning to the user, doctors, and relatives. The University of Bonn made the gadget into the form of an earbud because they found out that seizures can easily be detected by accelerated heart rate and certain patterns of movement. EPItect will help doctors and experts diagnose the problem because of the accurate records of the seizure such as the severity, and frequency. It can also help doctors find out which medication can treat the seizures and which can't. This fine piece of machinery may even save people’s lives.

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