Thursday, April 14, 2016

Domino's is soon delivering ...with robots

 What you see in this image, may be what you will see every time you order a pizza. This is DRU (Domino's Robotic Unit), a delivery vehicle that's the first of its kind. DRU is still in its early stages and is being tested and tweaked. The robot has four wheels and is about a meter tall. It also has a range of 12 miles, and an access code for customers so the products inside don't get stolen. With hot/cold compartments, expensive military grade components, and on-board sensors to dodge obstacles, this machine is one of the first delivery bots to roam the streets. It uses the same technology as self- driving cars to identify its surroundings and has a built-in GPS that syncs with Google Maps. DRU has already carried out its first delivery on March 8, 2016 and is bound to have more. 


  1. sounds sweet, pranks just might go to another level

    1. Yep, but they may be installing cameras to prevent vandalism or theft
